Tuesday 5 February 2013

Fun In The Sun

Ah! What a beautiful Thursday morning - I thought while putting the bins out!

It's time to do some chores around the house, it is leisure day after all! Everyone gets the day off from school or work just to relax!

Well, I don't know if cleaning counts as relaxing, but it needed to be done!

I purchased a grill and a table for my backyard and had a really good idea for what to do today!

...So I rang up everyone I knew and asked them to come over for a Bar-b-que!!

Oh no! While I was outside admiring my new purchases, the washing machine has flooded and bubbles are going everywhere! I need to get this fixed before my guests arrive!

After ringing for a handyman to come and fix my washing machine, I head down to the grocery store to get some supplies!

Oh, and I couldn't leave without visiting the book store too! I bought a new recipe; Ratatouille!

I headed over to the park and bathed in the warm glow of the sun! I love Summertime!

I decided to have a go at fishing, it's a lovely day after all and it's nice to be outside in the fresh air!

While at the park, I got paid $324 for time off and realised that I had to get home for my party!

Just as I got home, and wrote out a check for another bill, the guests were starting to arrive!!

Time to get cooking! I gained another cooking skill while preparing the hotdogs!

I hope these hotdogs turn out alright... I don't want to poison people when I'm supposed to be making friends!

...Well my guests seem to like them!

I get about five seconds to say hi to Strike before he makes excuses and leaves, again! Doesn't this guy like me or something?

Well everyone starts leaving after that really, and I am left to do all the cleaning up! I didn't mind too much though, my party was a huge success!!

After everyone had gone I did a spot of gardening, did I mention that I had planted two more grape plants?

And because it was such a warm night, I read my new recipe book outside with the smell of bar-b-que in the air! I learnt how to cook Ratatouille!

Then it was time for bed once more and I drifted off thinking about my new promotion and what it would bring...

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