Friday 15 February 2013


It's Friday today and Brock has stayed the night.

We look so cute together, all snuggled up!

Time to get up!

Brock stayed for breakfast.

And then it was time for work! What a nice day for the middle of Autumn!

I spent the day at work talking to my friends and then assisted my boss with some research. I earned $560!!

After work I invited Brock over...

...and threw up just before he got here! Must be something I ate?!!

"Hi there sweetie!" I think I am seriously falling for this guy!

We spent the time chatting, and well, you know...

After Brock had gone home, I realised that I was pregnant!! Oooopppppsss!!

But that doesn't stop me from upgrading the toilet the next day!!

I also pop by the book store and buy a baby book and the fruit parfait recipe!! (I love my books!!)

I ring Brock and ask him to meet me at the park. I have news for him after all!!

We meet up and it's time for me to give him the news!

"Ok, before I say anything else... I'm pregnant!" I blurt out.

"Really?... That's great!" He replies.

"Oh, I didn't know how you would react!" I am surprised that he has taken this news so well!

"Look Khalisee, I wanted to tell you that I am falling in love with you..." Oh my!

"I am so happy!" I pull him in for a kiss...

...Then I have an idea...

..."Since we are so happy..."

..."Will you marry me?" I ask hopefully.

"Oh My God! Yes!"

"You know I should have been the one asking you!" He says as he hugs me tightly.

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