Saturday 2 February 2013

The First Day of A New Life

Hi there! My name is Khalisee Adelos and I live in the town of Rainburgh, it's quite a colourful place!

My parents died a year ago today. It has been really hard for me, this past year trying to go on without them. I mostly stayed in the house during that time because sometimes my grief would become too hard for me to face the real world.

But, I am old enough now to find a job, get over my grief and make a new life for myself.

Oh, this is my house; it was my parent's final gift to me... You might think it looks a little strange, but my parents were obsessed with everything to do with Ancient Greece and now it's a constant reminder of how passionate they both were.

Anyway, today I woke up feeling better than I had in a long time. It's the first day of Summer and I am resolved to make something of myself and finally explore this little town of mine! I started out by reading an old cooking book of my mom's since I have been ordering take-out a lot! After a few hours of reading I gained a cooking skill point! Great, maybe I can cook something healthy later?

I went and grabbed the newspaper from outside and read about what had been going on in the town lately, hhmmm, not much!

I realised that all I had done all morning was stay in the house and read! So I gathered up my courage and forced myself to go outside and get some fresh air.

I got onto my scooter and headed off in the direction of the park.

When I got there, I walked around in the beaming sunshine, looking at all the flowers and creatures flying around me. It was then that I realised I was finally able to find the beauty in things again.

I made my way to the fountain in the centre of the park and thought about the times when my parents had bought me here as a child. I still felt sad thinking about them, but it wasn't the heart-wrenching feeling of despair that usually accompanied those memories.

I noticed Eugene, the local police officer, was sitting on a bench just behind me, so I went over to say hello.
He was shocked to see me out and about again, but I explained that I was making a fresh start with my life and trying to move forward. He seemed pleased with this news and said he was very sorry about what happened to my parents but that I would be a stronger person because of what I had been through.

I thanked him for his kind words and remembered that Eugene's father used to be best buddies with my father. It felt good talking to someone again and from our chat, I knew that I was finally healing.

I said goodbye to the Eugene and decided to head to the Book Store, did I mention that I love reading? I purchased a gardening book for $350, it was quite expensive, but I had the urge to plant something and watch it grow.

As I was leaving the Book Store, a girl stopped me and introduced herself as Freda. "You don't remember me do you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry..." I started to say.

"We used to play together as kids!" She looked at me expectantly.

"I do remember a girl with blue hair..." I said.

"...I thought you had left town!" She blurted out and then stopped herself. "Oh well, it's nice to see you Khalisee, maybe I'll see you around?". I guess I'm more popular than I thought!

I was getting a little hungry by now, so I said goodbye to Freda and made my way home. Wow, I spoke to two people today! That's more people than I have spoken to in about six months! - I thought as I drove away.

Once back home, I put my new found cooking skills to the test and made myself an Autumn Salad. Hey, I never said I was ready to use the oven yet!

The salad came out quite nice actually, and it was a change from all the pizza that I usually scoffed down! It's a new, healthier me!

Since I seemed to be on a roll today, I checked the newspaper again for job opportunities. There was an opening for a Test Subject at the Science Facility, and I thought; why not?

So I applied for the job!! I start first thing tomorrow morning!! I really am making changes in my life...

Oh well,it's been an interesting day, now time for bed!! Read my next entry to find out how the first day at work goes!

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